Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 6 Journey to Whitecourt

Every morning begins with our "ritual" preparations for another day of riding.  Today was no exception.

Walmart's substitute for the old fashioned "powder puff".

We were able to get away at just after 9 am this morning.  The sun was shining and temperature in the low 80s, and pretty much stayed there for most of the day.

I've got to stop parking next to dirt roads.

Dome light burned out.  Since there will soon be no darkness to speak of, not a big deal.  But . . . and omen?

Cananda is a very big place, and a lot of it looks like this. 

This lies ahead . . .

and this lies behind.

Sometimes it gets a little boring. 

(Hint: 2222.2 miles.)

But there's usually something new around the corner to keep things interesting.  Close One!

Afternoon rest stop in the shade.

Talking to my babe.

Wayne's Road in Edmonton. 

Just before it rained.

The rain started right after dinner, around 6 pm.  We saw it coming and put on the rain gear.  It lasted around 30 minutes, just about the time it took for us to get through rush hour traffic.  Sorry, no pictures are possible, not even for Mick.  

While dripping in traffic, I realized my rain gear bag did not get put away.  I had jammed it between the back seat and duffle.  At a red light, I got off the bike and checked.  It's gone.  Bummer!

Double, behind the back rainbow!!!

Temperature dropped suddenly 20 degrees F, from mid 80s to low 60s.  After we stopped, a muscle spasm pulled Mick's thumb out of joint.

No Problem!!!

It popped right back in!  That's what Ibuprofen is for!!

And I made a new "rain gear" bag!!!

And at the end of the day . . .

Riding into the sunset . . .

well as close to sunset we will likely see in some time.

Still pretty cool.

Today's Stats:

Arrival in Whitecourt:  8:19 pm (Central)
Riding Time:  7 Hrs. 38 Mins.
Today's Miles:  434
Total Miles:  2622
Today's MPG:  44.6
Today' MPH:  60.3

Tomorrow's Destination:

Buckinghorse River, BC.
428 Miles

Actually, Buckinghorse River could not be found on my travel map, so the yellow marker is showing Pink Mountain, about 30 miles short of Buckinghorse River.

Buckinghorse River is the farthest west crook on the route.


What happened to Day 6?

I was unable to complete my blog for today, but promise to get up to date soon.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 5: Road to Saskatoon

We started a bit late again today.  We got under way at 10 am Central time. 

I was a great day!  Sunny.  74 F and stayed nice all day.

The "Road to Saskatoon" is long and straight.  I could show you a dozen more "road" pictures, but they would all look the same!

"Golden Waves of . . . Canola".

Mick's next boat!  When one dream is fulfulled, time to start on the next one!

Maybe a sail boat trip to Alaska?

When we were starting out this morning, I took off my watch to put sun block on my hands.

At the first gas stop, I realized I wasn't wearing my watch. I checked all my pockets.  It was gone!!!

Found it!!  

This was after more than sixty miles on a rather bumpy road.  

Life is good!!!

"Manitoba Gravel & Mud Ditch Detour". 

This is the only picture because Mick was sliding up and down the rut too much to take more.

I didn't even try to take a picture, although I really wanted to.

Looks like they got a bit of rain yesterday too!!!!

Mick's bugs.

Mc's Bugs.

It's nice to have a windshield!!!!

And at the end of the day . . .
Riding into the Sunset, one more time!

Today's Stats:

Arrival Time in Saskatoon:  10:55 PM (Central)
Riding Time:  8 hrs. 50 Mins.
Today's Miles:  499 Miles
Total Miles:  2187
Today's MPG:  47.6
Today's MPH:  58.1 (avg.)

Tomorrow's Destination:    Whitecourt, Alberta.   427 Miles.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day #4 You'll never guess what happened on the way to Winnipeg!

The Day promised to be a great one.  What a beautiful morning, eh!

Finished a "Fine" breakfast, but things are looking a bit dark up there.

And down came the rain.  This shot was taken after the first 60 minutes.  Although it looks pretty bad, we are not really wet yet.

A break in the clouds.  Rain stopped!  Let get going before the rain comes back.

It's back!

Rain from the Front . . .

Rain from the back . . .

Rain from the the side . . .

All from Above!!

Now we're wet!!!  Not a dry stitch.
After 150 miles of rain, the Frogg Toggs couldn't handle it.  We could feel cold water runing down our chests and back as the rain found pathways through the Toggs.  Boots full of water.  We made "wet tracks" throughout the motel restaurant while eating and waiting 2 1/2 hours, hoping the rain would stop.

and finally it did.

No dry clothes for Mc.  All my grocery bags were not sealed well enough.  No dry anything.

Mick was luckier, had better bags.

Looks pretty touch & go, but no rain!

One hour later . . . .  Is that SUNSHINE!!!!

Maybe I can get dried out?  Off with the Toggs!!

What a glorious day after all!!!!!

Not so Fast!!!!  Road side Togg doning, one more time.

I would rather break at the side of the road then in the rain.  Check out the horizon.

What did I tell ya!

This was a 30 second "squall"!  Hardess rain all day.  By the time the wind had blown the rain off the windshield, so we could see again,  the sun was shining bright

It was mother nature's parting shot.

 Mick had a hunch there would be a rainbow behind us.  He held the camera over his shoulder and caught it.  

That deserves a pot of gold! 

I'd settle for a dry pair of underwear.

Finally arrive at the motel.  What?  No reservation?

Wrong motel!  My Bad!

Arrival Time at Wrong Motel:  11:10 pm

Final Arrival Time:  12:15 am
Total Drive Time:  8 hrs. 39 mins.
Miles:  454
Total Miles: 1688
Today's MPG:  44.6
Today's MPH:  55.2 (avg.)

Riding into the Sunset . . . My Butt.

Tomorrow's destination:
Saskatoon   497 Miles
