Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 26: To Reno on New Rubber!

We were up bright and early on Tuesday morning for our trip to Reno, Nevada.   My sister Jan made some breakfast.  My niece, Amy, and her two girls, came over for a quick visit. 

Jan, thank you so much for all your help with the tires and your hospitality last night and this morning.  It was really great to see you after all these years!

Then we were off to the Victory dealer for tires.

We kept the bikes in the garage last night

. . . what luxury!

The cat, whom has its bed in the garage, didn’t care too much for it!

We had the new tires sent directly to Jan’s house.  Mick has his new tire strapped on and ready to go.

Great Shave! 

Mick looks so much younger!

Mick took off his wheel so the shop could replace the tire (they don't work on BMWs). 

Um . . . I guess center stands are good sometimes.

No rear axle.  The wheel bolts directly to the drive gear.

Mick’s new tire!

Mc’s new tire! 

The sticker is still on it!

Mick’s old tire. 

Do you recognize which one?

Some of these look worse!

Shop got us in and out fast.

They could not balance the BMW rear wheel because there is no axel.  Mick decided to have the old weights from the previous balancing left in place.  The new Z-rated motorcycle tires are almost perfectly balanced by themselves, therefore the wheel weights are primarily for balancing the rim.

The new tire is riding well, balanced with the old weights.

Thanks Greg!

Latest Tire Tread data

Mick had to dip below bald to get to Oregon.

Rears should no longer be a concern (with tires anyway). 

The shop finished in just over an hour, allowing us to get on the road to Reno around 11 am.

Road to Reno.

New Beetle followed by an Old Beetle!  

I think they were traveling together, like Mick and I.  

New Victory followed by an old BMW!

Mt. Shasta in northern California. 

I know a girl named Shasta.  Do you think her parents were inspired to name her after the mountain? 

They are both very beautiful!

We had pizza for lunch in Weed, California

Due to the late start after installing tires, we'll probably be finishing up the day after dark.

Mick added his deer whistles to his BMW to scare away the deer.

I guess Mick didn’t like where I parked in this rest stop!  His place is closer to the bathroom.

California has some really posh rest stops . . . 

. . . they have seagulls for entertainment . . .

 . . . and warning signs to keep us safe and in line. 

This one seems to be meant for Mick - the cone killer!

New gloves are broken in. 

Start of the trip they were flat, stiff, and uncomfortable gripping the bars. 

After 26 days, they are like a second layer of skin!

When Mick first got the K1200 sport tour bike, the riding position felt cramped and uncomfortable . . .

. . . but after 26 days, riding the K1200 feels perfectly natural!

Made it to Circus Circus in Reno, Nevada

Reno from the 20th floor. 

We were looking forward to a robust Casino buffet for dinner, but the buffet was closed.  So was every restaurant in the hotel except for the deli snack joint. 

A little disappointing, Reno.

After Mick went to bed, I walked to the Casino and pulled out my $20 bill.  I broke even on the roulette.  Won on Lizzie’s and Kathy’s birthdate, which put me back even, and walked away.  Found an electronic poker game.  Lost $1.75, and decided this was a no win scenario.   I searched and searched for a game I could beat!   Yes . . .  Black Jack!  $2 bets.  I was on fire!  I stood when I should.  I hit when I had to.  I doubled down perfectly.  If it wasn’t for the dealer getting 4 black jacks in a row to pop my streak, I would have won 18 bucks, instead I walked away $6.25 richer.  Retirement . . . here I come!

And at the end of the day . . .

. . . riding out of the sunset.

Today’s Stats: 
Arrived in Reno, Nevada at 9:48 pm.
Riding Time:  8 Hrs.  19 Mins.
Today’s Miles:  478.6
Total Miles:  9500
Today’s MPG:  48.4
Today’s MPH:  59.2

Tomorrow’s Destination:  Delta, Utah
473 Miles


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